As the leaves begin to fall, most gardeners will already be wistfully dreaming of those first spring  flowering blooms, so get planting those bulbs in autumn.

Autumn is the perfect time to get your spring bulbs in, because the soil is still warm and will allow them to develop their root system, which in turn allows them to flower in spring rather than summer.

Your spring flowers popping up signals the rebirth of the garden and the start of a new growing season. Nothing lifts the spirits after a long, dark winter more than the sight of the first daffodils blooming.

Once you’ve chosen a variety of bulbs that you like, plant them haphazardly in amongst your borders for a beautifully undone look come spring or organise them neatly into a layered display for a more dazzling effect.

Planting spring flowering bulbs in autumn is a quick and simple job, which with a little patience, brings huge rewards. Why not get the kids to help you? It’s a great way to teach them about how plants grow, and they’ll wait with eager anticipation to see the results of their handiwork in spring.