Our Seed Potatoes are now in stock! Let’s plant!
Potatoes are mainly planted in spring, over several weeks, according to the type of variety:
- First earlies – plant around late March
- Second earlies – plant in early to mid-April
- Maincrops – plant in mid- to late April
The timing also depends on where you are in the country – plant slightly later in colder regions and earlier in milder ones.
Planting options
To grow an extra early crop – plant chitted seed potatoes of early varieties at the beginning of March, into large containers in a frost-free greenhouse. Keep them indoors in good light for a crop by about mid-May.
To grow a winter (or Christmas) crop – plant prepared (cold-stored) tubers in July or early August, into containers in a greenhouse or similar frost-free location. Keeping them indoors also protects them from blight.
To ensure a good crop, keep potato plants well watered in dry weather – particularly early on, when the tubers are starting to form.
Potatoes in containers need regular and generous watering throughout the growing season, especially if kept in a greenhouse. Even outdoors, the dense foliage will prevent rainwater reaching the compost, so water even during wet weather to make sure you get a decent harvest.
Browse our extensive range of seed potatoes, they’ll soon be available to buy online too!