1 x Rheum
The classic Victoria Rhubarb is a heavy producer. It has thick, tender stalks with a tart flavor that are excellent for pies and sauces. A very good low maintencance crop.
When planting, soil should be rather rich with pleanty of manure, planting depth just below ground level, where they will thrive to reach a mature height of 50cm.
Sulphate of ammonia can be applied in summer to boost plants health. It is important that the stalks are not harvested in their first year as this will adversely affect the plants vigour, but cut any old, yellow leaves off after they have faded and remove all the leaves after they have died back in autumn. You should also remove any flowering stalks which appear. In the second year, you may start to harvest some of the stems, but restrict yourself to between a third and a half of the total crop, leaving the rest to mature on the plant