Garlic Cassablanca


Common and widely used member of the onion family.

Easy to grow herb growing from a strongly aromatic, rounded bulb composed of around 10 to 20 cloves covered in a papery coat. The long, sword-shaped leaves are attached to an underground stem when left to gow and the greenish-white or pinkish flowers grow in dense, spherical clusters atop a flower stalk.



3X Allium Sativum

Common and widely used member of the onion family.

Easy to grow herb growing from a strongly aromatic, rounded bulb composed of around 10 to 20 cloves covered in a papery coat. The long, sword-shaped leaves are attached to an underground stem when left to gow and the greenish-white or pinkish flowers grow in dense, spherical clusters atop a flower stalk.

Plant in well drained soil 3cm deep ans 3cm apart. When the leaves start to wither, lift the bulbs, leave on the surface of the soil to ripen then store in a cool dry place.

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