Cara seed potatoes are still one of the most popular maincrop varieties due to their excellent resistance to blight. Cara tubers are round with white skin and pink eyes. A robust seed potato variety with excellent drought resistance and good all round disease resistance. Best suited to baking, boiling, chipping and roasting.
Maincrop seed potatoes mature in 125-140 days and, if planted in late April, can be harvested by mid August.
Choose a place in the garden which has not been used to grow garlic, onions, shallots or leeks for at least two years. The soil should be open, well drained and not have been manured for at least one year.
Harvest June-July. Dig up mature potatoes and store them in a cool, dry and dark location. Potatoes can be stored for several months. Tip: when harvesting, remove all foliage and small potatoes from the soil and discard, to avoid diseases on next year’s crop.