Agapanthus White Lily Of The Nile


Tall, graceful umbels of bright white trumpet shaped blooms in abundance, sit atop bright green, thick, strappy foliage. a real show stopper for any garden.

This perennial is a great addition to borders to add height, or can be grown in pots/containers.



1 Agapanthus White Lily Of The Nile

Flowers July – August.

Height 36″/90cm.

Tall, graceful umbels of bright white trumpet shaped blooms in abundance, sit atop bright green, thick, strappy foliage. a real show stopper for any garden.

This perennial is a great addition to borders to add height, or can be grown in pots/containers.

Plant in a sunny position in well – drained soil, 15cm deep and 25cm apart.

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